The first issue of the journal Acta HealthMedica published in March 2016. We should clarify that our journal is free for both authors and readers; this clearly means that there is no publication fee, no authors fee, and no subscription fee. If the authors choose the fast track option (fast review + publication), they are required to pay 100$.

Please read the following carefully before submitting the manuscripts:

1. Manuscripts are accepted on condition that they have not been previously published or submitted for publication, and are not going to be sent to other journals. This restriction does not apply to works published in a form of abstracts or summaries. The "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts (URM) Submitted to Biomedical Journals" is incorporated into our review and publication process.

2. After Admin processing, the corresponding author will receive a Manuscript ID Number. All of the manuscripts are subject to be under Review process. Our authors can expect to receive the first round of reviewers' comments and initial result within 4-6 weeks.

3. Final decision on an article will be made by Editorial Boards after consideration of reviewers' evaluation. Possible decisions on a manuscript are: accept as is, minor revision, major revision, or reject. Being constructive is one of the main features of peer-review process in Acta HealthMedica. Our authors can consider the constructive reviewers comments as an educational class to improve the quality of the manuscript and they acquire new skills and knowledge that can use it to perform their future research in higher standards and quality of the methods and validity of the findings.

4. This journal follows the flowcharts of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and their guidelines for ethical publication of the medical research. The journal will also apply for membership to the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) after publishing its first issue.


When an author submits a manuscript, the following three files must be attached: 

1. Cover letter:

Please click here to download a sample cover letter. In the cover letter, you must state that the manuscript, in whole or in part, has not been published by and will not be submitted for publication in any other journal. However, according to the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), medical journals may consider publishing the English translations of articles that have been published in other languages. If your manuscript has been published elsewhere in another language, please indicate this in the cover letter.

The author must provide complete contact information, i.e., postal/mail address, e-mail address, and telephone number. Also, the first and last names, e-mail addresses, and institutional affiliations of all co-authors must be provided. Please include the first and last names of all authors in the cover letter.

2. Manuscript (Without any information about authors):

The manuscript must include the title of the paper, an Abstract (250 words or less for original articles, 200 words or less for reviews, and 150 words or less for case reports), three to five Keywords, and the body of the manuscript without any information regarding the names of the authors. Abstracts are not required for Letters to the Editor or Editorials. Please click here to download the template of our manuscripts and their recommended structure and prepare your manuscript accordingly. 

Please include all of the tables in the manuscript file. Graph files must be attached to the email separately. The acceptable file formats are ".doc" for texts and ".tiff,” “.jpg,” and “.jpeg” for graphs, plates, artwork, and photos. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to publish any figures or illustrations that are protected by copyright, including figures published elsewhere and pictures taken by professional photographers. We will not publish images downloaded from the Internet without permission.

3. Conflict of Interest (COI):

All submissions must be accompanied by a completed Conflict of Interest (COI) form. The COI form is available at: 

Please send the manuscript and required files to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  and  c.c it to the publisher at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Expected time required for the peer-review process:

The authors can expect to receive the first round of journal's comments and the initial result of their submissions within 4-6 weeks. If the authors choose the fast track option (fast review + publication), they will receive the initial result within "Two" weeks and they are required to pay 100$ upon the acceptance of the manuscript.